Naming Groups - Simple & Complex
Single-campus districts should exclude the district/school name from group name since the information is already known. Groups should be named according to school departments such as Academics, Activities, Athletics, Education Foundation, Summer Programs, Transportation, etc. These groups can hold either items or child groups that fall under each main department (Clubs under Activities, seasons under Athletics, etc.).
Example, Menu View of Single-campus District Groups
Multi-campus districts should include the campus or district identifier in group names (parent and child). The identifier can be spelled out (“Davis Elementary”), school initials (“DES”), or school shorthand (“DAV”). Non-school organization and district-wide groups should be named as if a campus (for example, each instance identifies as Alumni Association, Education Foundation, etc.).
Example, Menu View of Multi-campus District Groups (Expanded)
In the multi-campus example, some districts opt to compact the menu into groupings by level. Parent groups would be created for Elementary Schools, Middle Schools, and High Schools. The campuses listed above would then be relocated under those as child groups.
Example, Menu View of Multi-campus District Groups (Compacted)
Naming Child Groups
We recommend referencing the parent group’s name when naming child groups, in case there are other child groups with similar names under other parent groups. This is especially true for multi-campus districts. When editing items, the Group Assignments field only shows the Group Name in the list, not the parent group it is assigned. If each campus has a child group named “Transportation”, there is no indicator of which campus the group is associated (screenshot below).
Example of Similarly Named Child Groups in Item Editor’s Group Assignment List
Child group names do not need to spell out the campus identifier like the parent group but should include a clear reference like shorthand or initials to save space while being functional.
Example of Child Group Name with Shorthand Reference
Child group button text should not include any reference to the parent group; button text is purely a display feature that shows in the parent group’s landing page. If the campus reference is added, labeling is redundant. The first screenshot below demonstrates that including the parent group name, “Davis Elementary”, takes up more space and is redundant/unnecessary.
Example of Button Text with Redundant Labeling
Example of Button Text with Simplified Labeling