If you need assistance setting up a complex group, contact support@revtrak.zendesk.com.
A complex group consists of one parent group and one or more subgroups ("child" groups). Each child group can also host another level of subgroups. That layer does not need to be attached to the overall parent group.
Complex Group Mapping
Create a Complex Group
- Go to Inventory > Groups.
- Use the search field under Group Name to see if the desired parent group exists.
If the parent group does exist, skip to Step 7.
If the parent group does not exist, proceed to Step 3.
- Click + NEW GROUP.
- Next to Group Name, enter the parent group title.
- Next to Button Text, enter the same title as Group Name.
- Click UPDATE.
- Use the search field to locate the group that will be designated a child group.
- Double-click the row to edit.
- Next to Parent Groups, type the name and select the group.
- Click UPDATE.