We recommend that any new item, from scratch or copy, be assigned to a review group prior to publishing. This avoids premature purchases from occurring before the item is finalized.
Creating a Review Group
- Go to Inventory > Groups. Use the search field under Group Name to see if review groups already exist. If nothing appears, click + NEW GROUP.
- Next to Group Name, type "[review 1]". Next to Permalink, type "r1". If creating a subsequent review group because “review 1” is already in use, change the number to the next in sequence.
- Next to Show It, deselect the box.
- Copy the permalink.
- Click UPDATE.
- In a new tab, open the Web Store homepage.
Click in the URL bar and paste the permalink that was copied after the last forward slash (i.e. https://yourschool.revtrak.net/pastehere). On the keyboard, press ENTER.
This is the direct URL to the review group. Copy the entire URL to share the location internally.
When all item revisions are complete, change the item's group assignment to the destination group(s).