The article, "View a Registrant's Question Profile Answers," is available for download below.
For assistance, contact RegWerks Support at 888-847-9470 or
1. To locate a registrant's answers to the questions that were asked at the time of registration, click on the Person menu option under the Main Menu.
- Search for the last name of the student and double-click into the student’s profile.
2. Locate the Registration for the class that contains the registrant's responses and double-click into it.
- In the Registration window, click on the Questions tab to view the registrant's answers to the question profile’s custom Registration Questions, as well as Standard Questions.
- To see responses to Registration Questions in report form, click Reports in the lower left-hand corner of the Registration window.
- In the Report window which opens, navigate to the Registration Questions report. Select the report format, Excel or PDF, before clicking OK.