The article, "Transfer a Registration to a New Class (in a Different Course) and Transfer Payment," is available for download below.
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- When transferring a participant to a new Class in a different Course, the original registration must first be cancelled.
- Before cancelling the original registration, double-click into the payment for the original Class, and write down the Reference number.
- If necessary, gather the answers from the Questions tab on the original registration by pulling the Registration Questions by Student report at the Class level into Excel, to copy and paste the answers into the new Registration in the final section of this article titled, “Register for a New Class via a Walk-In Registration,” within Step #6.
NOTE: The following procedures are determined by the price of the new Class. To avoid errors in processing a refund and transferring the money correctly, please refer to the appropriate example.
When the Price of the New Class is the SAME or HIGHER:
1. To cancel the registrant out of the current Class, navigate to the Class, and open the Registration by double clicking on the person’s name.
2. Click on the Enrolled drop-down menu and select Cancelled. When asked, “Are you sure you want to cancel this registration,” select OK.
3. Complete the details for the cancellation:
- If there is a cancellation fee, enter that amount in the Cancellation Fee field.
- Select Other as the Credit Type. Enter the reference number of the original payment into the Reference field followed by “/transfer.” (e.g. 17112032/transfer)
- Click on the Calculator button to fill the Amount field with the total amount paid on this class that will be transferred.
- The box, Leave Balance Due on Registration, remains unchecked.
- Comments for internal use may be entered into the Note field for future reference.
- Once all fields are completed, select Save.
- The account should now show a balance of $0. Once the changes have been reviewed for accuracy, select Save.
4. Proceed to the Register for the New Class Via Walk In section in this article to complete the transfer.
When the Price of the New Class is LESS (Refund Required):
Part 1: Process the Cancellation and Refund
1. To cancel the registrant out of the current Class, navigate to the Class, and open the Registration by double clicking on the person’s name.
2. Click on the Enrolled drop-down menu and select Cancelled. When asked, “Are you sure you want to cancel this registration,” select OK.
3. For payments which do not involve a credit card, select the appropriate option in Credit Type, making internal comments as needed in the Note field.
4. For credit card transactions, select ePayment as the Credit Type. Leave the Reference box empty. This field will auto-fill with the refund reference number once processed.
- Click on the Calculator button next to Amount field. Review this amount for accuracy.
- Check the box next to Leave Balance Due on Registration
- Comments for internal use may be entered into the Note field for future reference.
- Once all the necessary fields have been completed, select the Process Refund Now button. A window will open with the following message, “You will be refunding to this customer’s account. Are you sure you want to refund $xx.xx back to the customer’s account? In this step, only select OK; DO NOT SELECT SAVE.
5. The refund and the remaining balance will be reflected in the Registration screen. Now, select Save.
Part 2: Transfer the Remaining Payment:
1. In the original class, notate the payment transfer from this class by clicking on the Add button () in the Payment tab, and a NEW Payment window will open.
- Select Other as the Credit Type. Enter the reference number from the original payment made into the Reference field followed by “/transfer.” (e.g. 17112032/transfer)
- Enter the dollar amount of the new class in the Amount field as a negative amount. (e.g. If the new class is $100, enter -$100)
- Comments for internal use may be entered into the Note field for future reference.
- Once all fields are completed, select Save.
2. To adjust the balance to $0, in the Registration window select the Adjustments tab. Click the Add button ().
3. In the Adjustment window, add a negative adjustment in the amount of the balance remaining on the registration. Select Save.
4. Confirm that the account now reflects a $0 balance.
5. Proceed to the Register for the New Class via Walk-In Registration section in this article.
Register for the New Class via a Walk-In Registration
NOTE: Once the Registration for the original Class has been cancelled and the payment has been removed, the next step is to make a new Registration using the Walk-In Registration feature. This will complete the payment transfer to the new Class.
1. Begin a walk-in registration by clicking on the Register button.
2. Navigate to the class to which the student is being transferred.
3. Once the correct class is located and selected, select the CLICK HERE to Register for this Class. Note that the Walk In Registration process for Admin/Users reflects current Registrations and class size limit.
4. Search for the account holder’s last name and click on the appropriate name from the options list.
- NOTE: This will not bring up the registrant’s name unless the registrant is also the account holder.
5. Select the radio button next to the name of the student you are transferring to this class.
6. Complete the question profile that is attached to this class using the answers on the Registration Questions by Student report.
7. At the bottom of the registration, select Other as the payment type, and click Checkout.
8. In the Pay box, verify that the amount is the same as what was paid on the original registration.
NOTE: If the amount of the new class is more than the original class, enter the amount paid for the original class. The additional unpaid amount will be added as a balance on the registrant's registration.
9. Select Other as the Payment Type, enter the reference number into the Reference box followed by “/transfer.” (e.g. 20724002/Transfer) and Submit.
10. If the registration completed successfully, a new page with a link to the receipt will appear, and the receipt will automatically be sent to the email address on file for the account holder. This receipt will reflect any remaining balance for the new Class.