The article, "Enter a Payment or Adjustment" is available for download below.
For assistance, contact RegWerks Support at 888-847-9470 or
Entering a Payment:
1. Double-click into the Class in which the participant is registered. Select the Registrations tab.
2. Find the participant in the list of registered names, and double-click on the participant’s name. A Registration window will open.
3. In the Registration window and on the Payment tab, click the green plus button.
4. The NEW Payment window will open. Select the payment method from the Payment Type drop-down.
- Enter the date in which the payment is processed in the Payment Date field.
- NOTE: This field defaults to the current date. Admin/Users may backdate for any payment type except a credit/debit card or eCheck, to reflect when payments were noted or received.
- Enter the reference number (e.g. check, receipt number) into the Reference field.
- NOTE: When processing payment with a credit/debit card or eCheck, leave this field blank.
- Enter the payment amount into the Amount field.
- Enter comments as needed in the Note field. These comments are for internal use only, and do not print on receipts.
- When processing a payment with either Credit/Debit Card or eCheck, click the Process Payment Now button that will populate next to the Amount field. If the payment completed successfully, a confirmation message is sent to Admin/Users, and the payment reference number autofills the Reference field.
- When processing payment types outside of credit card/debit card and eCheck, just click Save once all other fields have been completed.
5. Save before closing Registration window, to ensure that the system accurately records these entries.
Entering an Adjustment:
1. Double-click into the Class in which the participant is registered. Select the Registrations tab.
2. Find the person in the list of registered participants and double-click on the person’s name.
3. In the Registration window, navigate to the Payment tab and click into the Adjustments tab. Then select the green Plus button next to the Adjustments window.
4. The NEW Adjustment window will open.
- Select the Date for this adjustment.
- Next, enter adjustment Amount.
- When charging the registrant an additional amount, enter a positive number (e.g. $15).
- When reducing the amount of the student’s balance, enter a negative number (e.g. -$15).
- Enter comments in Reason field. The comments are for internal purposes and will not appear on receipts.
- For Childcare/Contract classes, Check the Show On Invoice box to include this adjustment on a future invoice. This may be done either as the adjustment is recorded, or after the adjustment has been saved.
- Save once entries are complete.